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The  author's  preface  to  the  scientific  article.
A new law has been discovered that determines the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in space on the planets of the Solar System, which is popularized in the scientific and practical journal «Высшая школа» № 17 for 2018 year, publishing house «Инфинити» City Ufa. Certificate of state registration of UI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2409-1677.
Open mechanisms of gravitational forces and the new law of acceleration of falling bodies in space, which are taken from the description of the application for invention № 2005129781 from 28 September 2005 year and in the popular form set out in the theoretical and analytical magazine «Научный обозреватель» № 1-25 2013 Year page 68. Certificate of state registration of the PI № ФС 77-42040 ISSN 2220-329X.
Additions to the discovery of the constant reverse speed of light and the refutation of the postulates and the law of Einstein published in «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
Additions to refutation of the law of world gravity published in the scientific journal «Актуальные проблемы современной науки» № 2 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The discovery of the mechanism of formation of gravitational forces, cosmic opposition forces and forces of cosmic interaction, which are published in the scientific journal «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The force of gravitational gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system was discovered, which was published in the scientific and practical journal «Высшая школа» № 12 for 2018 year, City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2409-1677.
A new reverse speed constant has been opened, which is taken from the description of the application for invention № 2012142735 for 9 October 2012 year and in a popular form set out in journal «Научный обозреватель» № 1 for 2013 year, publisher «Инфинити» City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.

UDC 53.02

Mechanism of rotation of the planets of the Solar system around the Sun.

Law of determination of energy within various spaces.

Annotation. The article is devoted to the discovery of the mechanism of rotation of the planets of the solar system around the Sun, based on the discovery of the mechanism of rotation of the planet Earth and the formation around it of the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space. The discovery of the mechanism of rotation of the Sun and the formation of a magnetic field around it and the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in space. The discovery of the law that determines the distance to the planets of the solar system, as well as their mass and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space. Discovery of the constant of the substance of the outer space of the solar system. The discovery of mathematical evidence for the existence of "cosmic ether" or the substance of outer space. Moreover, all the new laws of physics and mechanisms are confirmed and time-tested used in modern science.
Mankind has been looking at the sky for many centuries and trying to understand how our world works. All the knowledge acquired by man formed the ancient science of astronomy. The science of cosmic bodies has brought together many founders and followers of astronomical knowledge. It is very difficult to note all the scientists who were previously and are now involved in the structure of the solar system of our Universe, so we will highlight some of the works of scientists that relate to this scientific article.
Claudius Ptolemy (II century AD) - an ancient Greek scientist, author of the treatise "The Great Mathematical Construction of Astronomy in Thirteen Books". His treatises remained a body of astronomical knowledge for more than a millennium.
Nicolaus Copernicus (02/19/1473 - 05/24/1543) was a Polish astronomer, mathematician, mechanic and economist. He is best known as the author of the heliocentric system of the world, which marked the beginning of the first scientific revolution. The main and almost the only work of Copernicus "On the rotation of the celestial spheres" was published in 1543. It speaks of the sphericity of the world and the Earth, and instead of the position of the immobility of the Earth, another axiom is placed: the Earth and other planets rotate around an axis and revolve around the Sun.
Johannes Kepler (12/27/1571-11/15/1630) - German mathematician, astronomer, mechanic, optician, discoverer of the laws of motion of the planets of the solar system.
Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 - March 31, 1727) was an English physicist, astronomer and mathematician. One of the founders of modern natural science. Based on them, Newton derived the laws of motion of the bodies of the planets of the solar system, their satellites and comets. He explained the main features of the movement of the Moon, the ebbs and flows in the oceans, the compression of Jupiter, and gave a theory of the figure of the Earth.
Edmund Halley (10/29/1656 - 01/14/1742) - English Astronomer Royal, physicist, mathematician, meteorologist and demographer who in 1677 proposed a new method for determining the distance to the Sun, that is, an astronomical unit.
Pierre-Simon Laplace (03/23/1749-03/05/1827) - French mathematician, mechanic, physicist and astronomer who is known for his work in the field of celestial mechanics, differential equations, one of the creators of the theory of probability. Laplace gave a comprehensive analysis of the known movements of the bodies of the solar system on the basis of the law of universal gravitation and proved its stability in the sense of the practical invariance of the average distances of the planets from the Sun and the insignificance of the fluctuations of the remaining elements of their orbits.
However, everything changes in this world, and some of the views of the founders of astronomy have to be corrected and given a new vision, which is based on the already known and proven laws of physics used on our planet.
After the collapse of the USSR in the Russian Federation, there were no such concepts as scientific discoveries and they had to be included in inventions. However, later the examination of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property began to refuse to consider application materials that have scientific discoveries or scientific theories, since they contradicted generally accepted scientific knowledge, and it is impossible to break into scientific journals that were previously controlled and are now controlled by the scientific community of any structure.
Before describing the mechanism of movement of the planets of the solar system around the sun, it is necessary to get acquainted with the internal structure of the planet Earth and the planet Venus. This information was set out in the application for invention № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005 and the application for invention № 2005140396 dated 12/26/2005 under the title "Device for the rotation of Belashov's magnetic systems in the sphere of a material body located in space", where you can check the authenticity of these materials at the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.
This invention relates to a device for the rotation of magnetic systems in the sphere of a material body located in space, using the device of the planet Earth, the planet Venus as an example, and can be used in meteorological services for timely forecasting of weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, tornadoes, hurricanes and preliminary warning of others anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere and oceans. As a visual teaching aid for considering the mechanism of formation and receipt of thermoelectricity in the sphere of a material body located in space, the mechanism of formation and receipt of a magnetic field in the sphere of a material body located in space and the mechanism of formation of magnetic poles in the sphere of a material body located in space. The mechanism for launching and starting the rotation of the magnetic system in the sphere of a material body located in space counterclockwise, on the example of the planet Earth, the mechanism for placing the planets of the solar system with a magnetic field in one plane of outer space. The mechanism of autonomous rotation of the magnetic system in the sphere of a material body located in space counterclockwise, on the example of planet Earth, the mechanism of formation of earthquakes in the sphere of a material body, on the example of planet Earth, the mechanism of formation of volcanic activity in the sphere of a material body, on the example of planet Earth. The mechanism of formation of geopathic zones in the sphere of a material body, on the example of planet Earth, the mechanism of formation of a tsunami in the sphere of a material body, on the example of planet Earth and the mechanism of formation of a tornado in the sphere of a material body, on the example of planet Earth. The mechanism for starting and starting the rotation of the magnetic system in the sphere of a material body located in space clockwise, for example, the planet Venus, the mechanism for the autonomous rotation of the magnetic system in the sphere of a material body located in space, clockwise, for example, the planet Venus. The mechanism of rotation of planets and galaxies in an elliptical orbit, the law of acceleration of free fall of a body in space and the law of the activity of a material body in space, the laws of gravity of the Solar (or other) system. The laws of gravitation within the galaxy, the laws of universal gravitation, the laws of energy of the material body of the space of the Solar (or other) system, the laws of energy of the material body of the space of the galaxy, the laws of energy of the material body of the space of the Universe.
It should be emphasized that another important discovery capable of proving the mechanism of rotation of the planets of the solar system around the sun was the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space or the density of the outer space medium = 0,31260053456501934297169510299215 kg/m³ which was popularly presented in the scientific journal Higher School in September 2017. However, many cannot understand what physical quantities the “ether” or the substance of outer space consists of, although many physical quantities and components have been known since ancient times.
The matter of the substance of outer space has its own composition, mass, density and energy, which is evenly distributed throughout the Universe, holding and connecting all cosmic bodies in their orbits. The substance of outer space of different systems of the Universe has a different physical value, which smoothly passes from one medium to another. After the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space, it became clear that the substance of the outer space of the solar system can unite material bodies of different groups in one medium. The material bodies of the solar system include not only terrestrial, but also space objects. From the new laws of physics, it is possible to determine and prove the physical composition of the substance of outer space. These mathematical proofs are needed for a better understanding of the development of all processes taking place in the Solar System of our Galaxy, which is an integral part of our Universe.
The existence of the ether located in outer space for many centuries excited the minds of scientists and thinkers of antiquity. This phenomenon of nature remains relevant at the present time, as there are fierce disputes between modern scientists who adhere to different scientific concepts. In the scientific community, there are many disputes not only about the existence of the ether, but also about the exact definition of the name of this natural phenomenon, since each scientist puts a different concept into this word. This phenomenon of nature has many interpretations and is not fully known, and no one can give clear and affirmative mathematical evidence for the existence of the ether in outer space.
In the old theories, physicists called the substance of outer space "ether", which expresses a special continuous medium that fills the entire world space. Now many scientists call it "cosmic ether" as the basic physical matter of the Universe, which fills the entire physical space and is the medium of all physical phenomena. In my opinion, this phenomenon of nature must be called the substance of outer space expressing matter, which has its own composition, its mass, density and energy in the unity of the forms of its movement as the carrier of this phenomenon. Moreover, the substance of outer space is not homogeneous and consists of many different physical quantities and components that interact with each other, creating an environment in which not only the solar system, but the entire universe is located.
Scientists who do not recognize this natural phenomenon will have to agree or answer one elementary question about how about 5,200 tons of cosmic dust are deposited on the surface of our planet every year from the cosmic vacuum and why they are looking for them in the depths of our planet behind ancient artifacts of human activity.
Many people know that the Sun in the process of thermonuclear fusion releases a large amount of light, heat, radioactive radiation, cosmic dust and radionuclides belonging to a group of atoms with the property of radioactivity, with a certain mass number, atomic number and energy status of the nucleus. It is very important to note that radionuclides are the founders and participants of all chemical and biological processes occurring in living cells and affect all domains of the Earth's ecosystem.
From the calculations made earlier, it became clear that the thickness of the condensed ether consisting of electrically charged particles in the form of electrons located in one cubic meter at a density of the substance of outer space does not exceed one micron.

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Complete list of scientific publications.

List of the most current scientific discoveries.

Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
значок the law for determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of some type of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... The new law completely refutes the statement about the conservation of energy in the space of our Universe.
значок the law for determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, displaying the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light emission source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light emission source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the statement about the constancy of the speed of light in the space of our Universe.
Opening new constants:
Discovery of new physical quantities:
Refutation of old laws of physics:
Discovery of new physical phenomena of the material world:
Outer space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system, which in the process of its work creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its own composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our Universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space closely interact with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. After the discovery of the constant inverse speed of light, the constant of the substance of outer space, the constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space, a new physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space and a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the Solar System, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe along the elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the emergence of forces that rotate the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit occurs in cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body located in the space of the solar system changes in relation to another material body, not only the gravitational force of this material body will change, but also its energy. New constants, new physical quantities and new laws give us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit.
New laws of gravitational gravitation:
The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit.
Comments on the scientific discoveries of Belashov:
See the description of the new laws of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our Universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005140396 of December 26, 2005.