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The  author's  preface  to  the  scientific  article.
Open mechanisms of gravitational forces and the new law of acceleration of falling bodies in space, which are taken from the description of the application for invention № 2005129781 from 28 September 2005 year and in the popular form set out in the theoretical and analytical magazine «Научный обозреватель» № 1-25 2013 Year page 68. Certificate of state registration of the PI № ФС 77-42040 ISSN 2220-329X.
Additions to the discovery of the constant reverse speed of light and the refutation of the postulates and the law of Einstein published in «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
Additions to refutation of the law of world gravity published in the scientific journal «Актуальные проблемы современной науки» № 2 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The discovery of the mechanism of formation of gravitational forces, cosmic opposition forces and forces of cosmic interaction, which are published in the scientific journal «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The force of gravitational gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system was discovered, which was published in the scientific and practical journal «Высшая школа» № 12 for 2018 year, City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2409-1677.
A new reverse speed constant has been opened, which is taken from the description of the application for invention № 2012142735 for 9 October 2012 year and in a popular form set out in journal «Научный обозреватель» № 1 for 2013 year, publisher «Инфинити» City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.

UDC 531.5

Mechanism formation of forces of gravitation, space interaction and counteraction.

Annotation. The article is devoted to the sensational discovery of a complex mechanism of formation of gravitational force and cosmic resistance force, interconnected by the force of cosmic interaction, including the force of acceleration of free fall of bodies around the Sun, the force of acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the material bodies under study and the distance between the measured material bodies and the Sun's surface. The force of gravity between two material bodies interacting with the force of cosmic resistance has identical characteristics of the power of the substance of outer space emanating from the surface of the sun. This discovery will help us to take a fresh look at the work of the mechanism of the emergence of the cosmic resistance force, the force of gravitational force and the force of cosmic interaction between the material bodies under investigation, which are in the space of the Solar System and denial of the law of world gravity.
Before understanding the mechanism of the formation of gravitational forces, the forces of cosmic counteraction connected by the force of cosmic interaction and to know their distinctive feature, it is necessary to find out what our Universe is. If we set out in a brief form, then our Universe is a closed self-regulating energy system that is in constant motion. Inside our Universe, thermodynamic processes continuously occur with the help of heat and cosmic cold, forming thermoelectric currents, which in turn create magnetic fields and magnetic systems interacting with newly formed thermoelectric currents, setting the active planets and galaxies of our Universe in motion. All movements occurring in the substance of outer space of our Universe are, to some extent, interconnected by forces of energy, forces of cosmic opposition, interacting with each other. When changing the forces of gravitational and energy in the same system at the same moment the force and energy of the adjacent system changes, which balances the imbalance that has developed.
All material bodies moving in the space of the Solar system, with the help of gravitational forces, are attracted to the surface of the Sun, and with the help of cosmic reaction forces are repelled from the surface of the Sun. Passive material bodies that do not have their own acceleration of free fall of bodies in space and active material bodies having a free fall acceleration modulus of bodies in space are repelled from the surface of the Sun at different speeds.
For example, let's take the planet Earth and its Moon, the Moon, which at the initial stage of their development did not have the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, but in the course of their further development formed various forms and properties of obtaining the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space.
Figure 1 shows the planet Earth 1 having an axis of rotation 2 with a slope of 23,44º, which is located in the substance of outer space 3 and moves in the space of the Solar system 4.

Figure 1    

The force of gravitational 5 formed from the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around the Sun 6 interacts with the moving force of motion of the substance of cosmic space 7. As a result of the action of these two forces, the resulting force of cosmic counteraction 8 arises from the force of motion of the substance of cosmic space 7 and the force of gravitational gravity The resulting cosmic counter force 8 moves from the surface of the Sun not only the active planets of the solar system, I have These are the own module for the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, but also passive material bodies that move around the Sun in the substance of outer space 3.
Figure 2 shows the mechanism for the beginning of the gas envelope in space of the Solar System 4 with particles of cosmic dust containing the conductive elements of cosmic matter and its transformation into the Moon 9, which is located in the substance of outer space 3. The presence of deposits on the planets of the Solar System proves once again that in space of the solar system 4 there is a substance of outer space 3, which comes from the Sun 1.

Figure 2    

The movement of the Moon 9 in the space of the solar system 4 is caused by the gravitational force of the sun 5 generated from the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around the sun 6, which interacts with the moving force of motion of the cosmic substance 7. As a result of the action of these two forces, the resulting force of cosmic counteraction 8 arising from the power of motion of the substance of outer space 7 and the force of gravitational sunshine 5. The resulting force of the cosmic opposition 8 generates a transverse force that changes the trajectory of the Moon 9 from the surface of the Sun horizontally and vertically.
The definition of the cosmic resistance force of material bodies moving in the space of the solar system can be formulated as follows:
Cosmic counteraction is the resultant force arising from the force of motion of the substance of cosmic space and the force of the gravitational force of the Sun, which generates a transverse force that changes the trajectory of motion of material bodies moving away from the surface of the Sun horizontally and vertically.
For clarity, figure 3 consider the mechanism of the formation of forces of gravitational force between the planet Earth 2 and the Moon 3 in the perigee, between the planet Earth 2 and the Moon 4 in the apogee and between the planet Earth 2 and the Moon 11 located at an average distance from the surface of the Sun 1.

Figure 3    

From open sources of information we know:
- distance 7 from the surface of the Moon 3 to the surface of the earth 2 at perigee = 357000000 m
- average distance 12 from the surface of the Moon 11 to the surface of the Earth 2 = 383238140 m
- distance 9 from the surface of the Moon 4 to the surface of the Earth 2 at apogee = 406000000 m
- average distance 6 between the planet Earth 2 and the Sun 1 = 147500000000 m
- average distance 10 between the Moon 11 and the Sun 1 = 147500000000 m
- diameter of planet Earth = 12756200 m
- diameter of the Moon = 3476280 m.
From new sources of information it became known about the new parameters of the Moon, which were discovered and published in the journal «Актуальные проблемы современной науки» № 6 for year 2018.
P л - Moon density = 0,62520106913003868594339020598412 kg/m³
m л - mass of the Moon = 13751896141429340379,865991273614 kg.
From new sources of information it became known about the new parameters of the planet Earth, which were discovered and published in the scientific journal «Аспирант и соискатель» № 6 for year 2018.
Р з - density of planet Earth = 560,13288935917316023806160467623 kg/m³
m з - mass of planet Earth = 608770579147823160813431,43838479 kg.
For example, determine the distance 5 from the surface of the Sun 1 to the surface of the Moon 3 located in the perigee.

L = L1 - L2 - D = 147500000000 m - 357000000 m - 3476280 m = 147139523720 m

L - distance 5 from the surface of the Sun 1 to the surface of the Moon satellite 3 at the perigee, m
L1 - average distance 6 between the planet Earth 2 and the Sun 1 = 147500000000 m
L2 - distance 7 between planet Earth 2 and the Moon 3 at perigee = 357000000 m
D - diameter of the Moon = 3476280 m.
For example, determine the distance 8 from the surface of the Sun 1 to the surface of the satellite of the Moon 4 located at the apogee.

L = L1 + L2 + D = 147500000000 m + 406000000 m + 12756200 m = 147918756200 m

L - distance 8 from the surface of the Sun 1 to the surface of the Moon satellite 4 at apogee, m
L1 - average distance 6 between the planet Earth 2 and the Sun 1 = 147500000000 m
L2 - a distance of 9 between the planet Earth 2 and the Moon 4 at the apogee = 406000000 m
D - diameter of planet Earth = 12756200 m.

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Complete list of scientific publications.

List of the most current scientific discoveries.

Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
значок the law for determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of some type of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... The new law completely refutes the statement about the conservation of energy in the space of our Universe.
значок the law for determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, displaying the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light emission source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light emission source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the statement about the constancy of the speed of light in the space of our Universe.
Opening new constants:
Discovery of new physical quantities:
Refutation of old laws of physics:
Discovery of new physical phenomena of the material world:
Outer space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system, which in the process of its work creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its own composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our Universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space closely interact with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. After the discovery of the constant inverse speed of light, the constant of the substance of outer space, the constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space, a new physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space and a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the Solar System, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe along the elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the emergence of forces that rotate the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit occurs in cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body located in the space of the solar system changes in relation to another material body, not only the gravitational force of this material body will change, but also its energy. New constants, new physical quantities and new laws give us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit.
New laws of gravitational gravitation:
The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit.
Comments on the scientific discoveries of Belashov:
See the description of the new laws of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our Universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005140396 of December 26, 2005.