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Videos of new scientific discoveries and technological inventions.

1. The video about the opening of the back light of the rate constant.


According to modern concepts, the speed of light - the speed limit motion of charged particles. This value refers to the fundamental physical constants that characterize not just the body or individual fields, and the properties of space-time in general. After opening a new reverse rate constants of light revealed that the dimension of the physical quantity for the passage of charged particles in a vacuum at a distance identical to the speed of light, but in other environments, particles are charged by different laws.

2. The video on the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space.


The video is dedicated to the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space. The matter of the substance of outer space has a mass and is evenly distributed throughout the universe, which holds all cosmic bodies in its orbits. The substance of the cosmic space of the solar system closely interacts with the new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the solar system to the central star of the Sun, a new law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system and a new law for accelerating the free fall of bodies in space. When the position of one material body of a material body located in space relative to another material body changes, not only the gravitational force of this material body, but also its energy will change. When the activity of a material body located in space changes, the distance from the surface of the Sun to the surface of any planet in the solar system will change proportionally. This proof can be confirmed by the constant of the reverse speed of light, since it is closely related to the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in space, which depends on the activity of a material body located in space, time and distance from the surface of the Sun to the surface of any planet in the solar system.

3. The video about the opening of a constant power of a single electron.


The video is dedicated to the discovery of the constant power of a single electron, which is based on the discovery of a new law determining the strength of the electric charge passing through a conductor, and a new law determining the number of active and passive electrons in one watt of power. The discovery of the power of one electron constant was based on the discovery of new laws of electrical phenomena deduced using the reverse speed of light constant. Under the new law to disclose the mechanism of motion of charged particles moving in different media at different speeds, which creates a thorough understanding of not only the movement of charged particles in the conductor, but also makes it possible to determine their number.

4. The video about the opening of a constant number of electrons in one watt.


The video is dedicated to the discovery of the constant number of electrons are in the same watt, which is based on the discovery of a new law determining the strength of the electric charge passing through a conductor and the opening of a new power constants of a single electron is in one watt. Opening of the number of electrons are in constant watt one was based on the discovery of new laws of electrical phenomena deduced using the reverse speed of light constant. Under the new law to disclose the mechanism of motion of charged particles in different media at different speeds, which creates a full understanding of the motion of charged particles in the conductor, and makes it possible to determine their capacity, or the number.

5. A video showing the existence of the ether or substance of outer space.


The video is devoted to mathematical proofs of the existence of the ether or substance of outer space in our Universe. The matter of the substance of outer space has its own composition, mass, density and energy, which is evenly distributed throughout the Universe, holding and connecting all cosmic bodies in their orbits. The substance of outer space of different systems of the Universe has a different physical quantity, which smoothly passes from one environment to another. After the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space, it became clear that the substance of the outer space of the solar system can unite material bodies of different groups in one environment. The material bodies of the solar system include not only terrestrial, but also space objects. From the new laws of physics, it is possible to determine and prove the physical composition of the substance of outer space. These mathematical proofs are needed for a better understanding of the development of all processes taking place in the solar system of our Galaxy, which is an integral part of our Universe.

6. A video film about the discovery of the constant of internal stresses of a substance of outer space.


The video film is dedicated to the discovery of the gravitational gravitation mechanism of the planets of the Solar System, the new constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space and the new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the Solar System to the central star of the Sun. The law of gravitation of one material body of the Sun in the space of the Solar system to the central star does not give a complete idea of ​​the mechanism of the origin of gravitational forces in nature. This law should be integrated with the law of activity of the material body, the law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system and a new law for accelerating the free fall of bodies in space.

7. Video film about the additions to the discovery of the constant reverse speed of light and the refutation of Einstein postulates.


The video film is devoted to the refutation of Einstein postulates on the principle of the constancy of the speed of light in vacuum and additions to the discovery of the constant inverse of the speed of light, where light in vacuum without a free fall acceleration of bodies propagates slowly. The speed of light propagation in outer space depends on the properties of the substance of outer space, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, the strength of the source of the electrical signal and its power. The essence of the formation of black holes that do not transmit light is clarified, since there is no substance in black holes and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, which help to propagate electromagnetic waves and light in a vacuum.

8. Video about additions to the law of interaction of two point charges moving in space.


The video is devoted to the additions to the law of interaction of two point charges moving in space. The matter of the substance of outer space has its own composition, mass, density and energy, which is evenly distributed throughout the Universe, keeping and binding all cosmic bodies in their orbits. The substance of outer space of different systems of the Universe has a different physical value and smoothly passes from one environment to another. It is mathematically proven that electric charges in different environments of outer space resemble at different speeds, have different interactions with each other, which depends on the density of each electric charge, its diameter and the density of the environment in outer space. The environment of outer space, which has a full vacuum, does not contain matter, the substance of outer space, poorly transmits light radiation. These mathematical proofs are needed for a better understanding of the development of all processes taking place in the solar system.

9. The difference between the speed of light and the constant inverse of the speed of light.


The video is dedicated to the difference between the speed of light, which was approved in 1933, and the constant inverse of the speed of light. The constant of the inverse speed of light takes into account many physical quantities, which includes the strength of the source of the luminous flux, the medium in which the luminous flux propagates and the speed of movement of the electric charge at a given point of the trajectory. The inverse speed constant of light includes the distance from the beginning of the measurement point of the luminous flux to the end point of measurement, the loss of the strength of the source of the luminous flux from changes in the medium or the distance traveled, and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium through which the light flux passes. With the help of the constant inverse speed of light, many laws of physics have been derived, which make it possible to learn and take a fresh look at the existence of previously unknown properties and phenomena of the material world.

10. The emergence, distribution and interaction of viruses that are an integral part of the ecosystem of the planet Earth.


The emergence, spread and interaction of viruses that are an integral part of the ecosystem of the planet Earth ... The article will reveal the mechanism of formation of the planet Earth, the mechanism of formation of thermoelectric currents, the mechanism of formation of magnetic poles, the mechanism of formation of a magnetic field, the mechanism of launching and autonomous rotation of the planet Earth counterclockwise. The mechanism of water ingress on planet Earth, the mechanism of the beginning of the formation of viruses on planet Earth in the upper atmosphere by dispersing and combining air masses, substance of outer space, rays of outer space, as well as radionuclides emanating from the sun's rays or outer space, which later formed into viruses fall on the surface of planet Earth.

11. New law of force of interaction between electrons of the interatomic space of a nuclear-free atom.


The video is dedicated to a new law that determines the strength of the interaction of electrons located at different levels of the interatomic space of nuclear-free conductor atoms of electric charges. The medium of the interatomic space of non-nuclear conductor atoms does not contain a nucleus and consists of electrons located at different levels with different diameters, different densities and different interaction forces. The strength of the interaction between mobile electrons and stationary nuclear-free atoms of the conductor depends on the mass of the conductor's electrons, their density, their energy and the structure of the substance of the interatomic space of the nuclear-free atoms of the conductor located in an environment where there is an acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, which makes moving electrons move along the spiral of a stationary nuclear-free conductor.

12. New law of force of interaction between mobile electrons and non-nuclear conductor atoms.


The video is dedicated to a new law of the force of interaction between mobile electrons and stationary nuclear-free atoms of a conductor associated with the new law that determines the force of interaction of electrons located at different levels of the interatomic space of nuclear-free conductor atoms of electric charges. The medium of the interatomic space of non-nuclear conductor atoms does not contain a nucleus and consists of electrons located at different levels with different diameters, different densities and different interaction forces. The strength of the interaction between mobile electrons and stationary nuclear-free atoms of the conductor depends on the mass of the conductor's electrons, their density, their energy and the structure of the substance of the interatomic space of the nuclear-free atoms of the conductor located in an environment where there is an acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, which makes moving electrons move along the spiral of a stationary nuclear-free conductor.

13. Video film about the additions to the refutation of the law of the world.


Video film is dedicated to additional materials refuted in 2016 of the law of worldwide gravity, after which the discovery of new laws took place and new physical quantities, confirm a refutation in the law of worldwide gravity. In outer space of the solar system, there is a complex system of interaction between the forces of gravitational force, the forces of cosmic opposition and the forces of cosmic interaction of material bodies located in the substance of outer space. The new law of gravity between the two material bodies located in the space of the solar system makes it possible to take into account all the problematic connections between materials bodies located in the space of the solar system. Depending on the physical characteristics of material bodies located in the space of the solar system, their activity and distance from the surface of the sun, the distance between the measured material bodies and the force of gravitational gravity, which is equal to the power of the cosmic substance, change. The refutation of the law of worldwide Newton supplemented and mathematically confirmed by the new laws of Belashova.

14. A video film about the discovery of the mechanism of the formation of gravitational forces, cosmic interaction and opposition.


The video film is devoted to the sensational discovery of a complex mechanism for the formation of gravitational force and cosmic resistance force, interconnected by the force of cosmic interaction including the force of acceleration of free fall of bodies around the Sun, the force of acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the material bodies under study and the distance between the measured material bodies and the surface of the Sun. The force of gravity between two material bodies interacting with the force of cosmic resistance has identical characteristics of the power of the substance of outer space emanating from the surface of the sun. This discovery will help us to take a fresh look at the work of the mechanism of the emergence of the cosmic resistance force, the force of gravitational force and the force of cosmic interaction between the material bodies under investigation, which are in the space of the Solar System and denial of the law of world gravity.

15. Video about the sensational discovery of the mechanism of formation and the internal structure of the Moon.


The video film is dedicated to the sensational discovery of the internal structure of a gas sphere separated from the surface of the Sun and containing particles of cosmic dust from the conductive elements of cosmic matter. Inside the gas sphere, a gradual formation of an internal confined space takes place from the retroreflective shell of a frozen gas, inside of which an intensive movement of gas flows is formed that promote the formation of thermoelectric currents from a temperature difference between one base of a solid thickened shell and another base of a hard, thin shell. The intensive movement of gases in the sphere of the moon creates an acceleration of free fall of the bodies of the moon 3.66 times more than on planet Earth. The gas mixture with particles of cosmic dust having the conductive elements of cosmic matter gradually formed into the moon and away from the surface of the sun. This scientific discovery will help us to take a fresh look at the work of the satellite of our planet, which will never turn its back side to planet Earth.

16. The video is dedicated to the discovery of new parameters of the planet Earth.


The video is dedicated to the discovery of new parameters of the planet Earth, where the previously known density and mass of the planet Earth is not true. After the discovery of the new laws, it turned out that the total density of the planet Earth is less, and the mass of the planet Earth is almost 9.81 times lighter than it was previously announced. New laws not only simplify the process of determining the distance from the surface of the Sun to the surface of an active or passive planet, but also have the ability to determine the acceleration of free fall of bodies on the planets of the Solar System, and in combination with other laws of Belashov, it is possible to determine the density and mass of the studied planet of the Solar System. Previously, many parameters of the planets of the Solar System were derived empirically, but after the discovery of new laws, it is necessary to reconsider many moments not only in the mechanism of formation and structure of the planet Earth, but also in other planets of the Solar system.

17. A video about the sensational discovery of the properties and composition of the Moon.


The video is dedicated to discovering the properties and composition of the Moon, which is the outer shell inside which the gas is located. In this case, the Moon has an acceleration of free fall of bodies in space more than on the planet Earth in 3,6 times. After the discovery of a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system and the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space, it was found that the matter of the substance of outer space has its composition, mass and density, which is uniformly distributed throughout the universe, holding and binding all cosmic bodies in its orbits . With the help of new and previously derived laws of physics that determine the gravitational force of one material body in the space of the solar system to the Sun, the gravitational force between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system and a new law for accelerating the free fall of bodies in space. It turned out that the new laws of physics enable us to determine not only the composition of the moon, its density, but also to establish the gravitational force between the Sun and the Moon and the gravitational force between the planet Earth and the Moon. With the help of new laws, a mechanism has been discovered for the formation of acceleration of the free fall of bodies in the space around the moon and its constant value of the luminosity level of the illuminated areas for the observer from the ground.

18. Video film about the discovery of the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system.


The video film is dedicated to the discovery of a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system. After the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space, it was found out that the matter of the substance of outer space has its composition, mass and density, which is uniformly distributed throughout the universe, holding and binding all cosmic bodies in its orbits. The substance of outer space of different systems of the Universe has a different physical value and smoothly passes from one medium to another. However, not only the substance of outer space participates in the formation of connections between the planets of the solar system, but also the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system. These physical quantities are closely related to the new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the solar system to the sun, a new law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system and a new law for accelerating the free fall of bodies in space.

19. Video film about the discovery of the physical magnitude of the substance of outer space.


The video film is dedicated to the discovery of a new physical quantity that determines the composition, density and mass of the substance of outer space. The matter of the substance of outer space has its composition, mass and density, which is uniformly distributed throughout the universe while holding and binding all cosmic bodies in its orbits. The substance of outer space of different systems of the Universe has a different physical value, which smoothly passes from one environment to another. After the discovery of the constant of the substance of outer space, it became clear that the substance of the cosmic space of the solar system can unite the material bodies of different groups in one environment. The material bodies of the solar system are not only terrestrial, but also cosmic objects. Determine the physical composition of the substance of outer space is very difficult, but it can be calculated from the indirect signs of known material bodies. These mathematical proofs are necessary for a better understanding of the development of all the processes of our Galaxy passing in the solar system, which is an integral part of our universe.

20. The video of the denial of the law of universal gravitation and the gravitational constant.


Refutation of the law of universal gravitation and Newton's gravitational constant. This statement can be proved by the new law of gravity between the two material bodies are in the space of the solar system to the central star, the sun. This proof can be verified on the reverse speed of light constant, since it is closely related to the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, which depends on the financial activity of the body located in space, time, and distance from the surface of the Sun to the surface of any planet of the solar.

21. A video about the new laws of electrical phenomena based on constant feedback the speed of light.


The video is dedicated to the discovery of new laws of electric and electrical phenomena based on constant feedback the speed of light. These laws claim new approach not only to measure the voltage , current, resistance or power source of the electric signal , and velocity of electrical charges passing through different media at different speeds. New laws confirm a relationship of mutual dependence between the opening mechanism of the interaction force of two point charges located in a vacuum and power source of electric charge passing through the cross section of the conductor . With the new laws can determine not only the diffusion coefficient of electric charge in a conductor , but also the speed of movement of the electric charge at a given point of the trajectory which have been formulated using the reverse rate constant light.

22. Video refutation of the law of conservation of energy.


Rebuttal basic fundamental law of physics - the law of conservation of energy, according to which the most important physical quantity energy in a closed system does not arise and disappear, but only converted from one form to another and preserved in time. Misunderstanding of the formation of the most energy in the space of the universe due to the fact that Isaac Newton XYII century, which was first clearly formulated in mathematical form in 1687 the law of gravity between two material bodies , did not consider the problematic relationship between space-time and matter. In order to examine in detail this phenomenon must take a new look not only at the time, force, work and energy conservation, but also the energy of material bodies themselves arranged in space.

23. Video film refutes the nuclear model of atomic structure.


Refutation of the nuclear structure of the atom model, because it does not contain all the atoms of the atomic nucleus. It is believed that the atomic nucleus, which is positively charged determines the chemical element to which the atom. In the central part of the various atoms is concentrated the bulk of it, and between the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus, nuclear forces are a special attraction that exceed repulsive forces. However intranuclear forces of attraction are only negligibly small distances. With the increase in the distance between the particles that make up the atomic nucleus, nuclear forces of attraction decrease very rapidly. This natural phenomenon, consider on the planetary model of atomic structure.

24. The video of the formation mechanism of the magnet and the magnetic system of magnetic material atoms.


The video is dedicated to the formation mechanism of the magnet and the magnetic system of magnetic material atoms. Under the properties of the magnetic material is necessary to understand the ability of a substance to acquire a magnetic moment or magnetized when subjected to a magnetic or electric field. Many substances in nature are magnets because upon exposure to electric or magnetic fields the magnetic material becomes definite magnetic moment. Atoms of magnetic material is a magnetic system, which creates a magnetic moment with the help of electrons.

25. The video proves suschestovanie planetary model of atomic structure.


The video is dedicated to reinforce the view of the planetary model of atomic structure. According to the new laws of electrical phenomena, which are based on constant feedback the speed of light, and the new laws of planetary formation and galaxies in our Universe is easy to prove the difference between an atom from atom conductor insulator or semiconductor atoms from the atom magnetic, diamagnetic, paramagnetic material and a ferromagnet.

26. The video about the new laws of motion and mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system.


The video is dedicated to the new laws of motion and mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system derived from thermodynamic processes occurring in our universe. The new law activity of a material body is in space and new education laws of the planets and galaxies in our universe give us the opportunity to thoroughly understand the mechanism of rotation of planets of the solar system in an elliptical orbit and take a fresh look at this phenomenon of nature.

27. The video demonstrates the modular power plant Belashova.


The modular power plant is designed to convert the kinetic energy fluid consisting of air flow into electrical energy by means of an even or odd number of modules installed vertically or horizontally across the uniform or irregular intervals and can be used in agriculture, industry or for personal use in the home.

28. The video demonstrates the low speed generator MGB-340-84-1B.


This video is used as a load incandescent lamp of 60 watts at 12 volts.

29. The video dedicated to the explanation of the origin of Huber effect.


Video film is dedicated to the explanation of the origin of Huber effect on the new laws of electrical phenomena based on the feedback the speed of light constant, which approves the new approach not only to measure the voltage, current, resistance or power source of an electrical signal, but also the speed of electric charges passing through a different medium at different speeds. These laws confirm mutual dependence relationship between the opening force mechanism of interaction of two point charges located in vacuo and the power source of the electric charge passing through the cross section of the conductor and an electric charge movement speed at a given point of the trajectory which have been formulated using reverse rate constant light.

30. The video demonstrates the elektromahovichnogo Belashova engine.


The film was shown on Channel Central Television in 1993.

31. Video of the opening of a new constant feedback speed of light [s/m].


According to modern concepts, the speed of light in a vacuum - the maximum speed of the charged particles. This value refers to the fundamental physical constants that characterize not just some of the body or of the field, and the properties of space-time in general. After opening a new reverse rate constants light revealed that the dimension of a physical quantity for passing charged particles in a vacuum at a distance identical to the speed of light, but in other environments, the charged particles are different laws.

32. The video proves suschestovanie planetary model of atomic structure.


The video is dedicated to reinforce the view of the planetary model of atomic structure. After the opening of the new law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), and the new law of gravity between the two material bodies are in the space of the solar (or other) system to the central star of the sun can prove the mechanism of interaction between all planets in the solar system with the sun. These laws can be used to prove the interaction of the electrons of the atom and the nucleus together. These arguments are confirmed by the new law of energy between two material bodies are in space, the solar (or other) system and the new law energy of the material body in space, the solar (or other) system, the central star of the sun. According to the new laws of electrical phenomena, which are based on constant feedback the speed of light, it is easy to prove the difference between an atom from atom conductor insulator or semiconductor atoms from the atom magnetic, diamagnetic, paramagnetic material and a ferromagnet. The new law activity of a material body is in space will allow a detailed understanding of the mechanism of rotation of electrons or planets of the solar system in an elliptical orbit and take a fresh look at this phenomenon of nature.

33. Video film proving the existence of the planetary model of atomic structure.


The video dedicated to reinforce the view of the planetary model of atomic structure. After the opening of the new law of gravity of the material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), and the new law of gravity between the two material bodies are in the space of the solar (or other) system to the central star, the sun can prove the mechanism of interaction between all planets in the solar system with the sun. These laws can be used to prove the interaction of the electrons of the atom and the nucleus together. These arguments are confirmed by the new energy law between two material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) system and the new law of energy of the material body, located in the space of the solar (or other) system, the central star of the sun. According to the new laws of electrical phenomena, which are based on feedback the speed of light constant, it is easy to prove the difference between an atom of a conductor or semiconductor dielectric atom magnet atom from atom, diamagnetic, paramagnetic material and a ferromagnet. The new law physical activity of the body is in space will allow a detailed look into the mechanism of rotation of electrons or planets of the solar system in an elliptical orbit and take a fresh look at this phenomenon of nature.

34. Video film demonstrates the low-speed generator Belashova MGB-300-144-2.


This video is used as a load incandescent lamp of 60 watts at 12 volts.

35. The video showing the battery to the generator of low-speed Belashova MGB-340-84-1.


The load used 12 volt battery. Low speed generator Belashova MGB-340-84-1 at 30-40 rev/min gives a charging current of at least one Ampere.

36. A video showing the performance of low-speed electric car NEMB-340-84-1 from the low speed generator Belashova MGB-340-84-1.


The load module is used one low-speed electric car Belashova NEMB-340-84-1, which is designed to power the drive system with photovoltaic battery in a place where there are no voltage sources. The sensitivity threshold of the module is five volts. The maximum power of the module is 500 watts. For example, this electric car can be used for.

37. The video about the new laws of motion and mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system.


The video is dedicated to the new laws of motion and mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system derived from thermodynamic processes occurring in our universe. The new law activity of a material body is in space and new education laws of the planets and galaxies in our universe give us the opportunity to thoroughly understand the mechanism of rotation of planets of the solar system in an elliptical orbit and take a fresh look at this phenomenon of nature.

38. The video is dedicated to the explanation of the operating principle of the engine Kosyreva-Milroya.


The video is devoted to explaining the principle of operation of the engine Kosyreva-Milroya for new laws of electrical phenomena based on the feedback the speed of light constant, which approves the new approach not only to measure the voltage, current, resistance or power source of an electrical signal, but also the speed of electric charges passing through a different medium at different speeds. These laws confirm mutual dependence relationship between the opening force mechanism of interaction of two point charges located in vacuo and the power source of the electric charge passing through the cross section of the conductor and an electric charge movement speed at a given point of the trajectory which have been formulated using reverse rate constant light.

39. The video of the new laws of motion and the mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system.


Video film is dedicated to the new laws of motion and the mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system originating from the thermodynamic processes occurring in our universe . The new law physical activity of the body is in space and the new laws of planets and galaxies in our universe give us the opportunity to thoroughly understand the mechanism of rotation of planets in the solar system in an elliptical orbit and take a fresh look at this phenomenon of nature.

40. The video dedicated to the new laws of electrical phenomena based on the feedback the speed of light constant.


Electricity - a set of phenomena caused by the existence, movement and interaction of electric infected bodies or particles. Interaction of electrical charges by means of electromagnetic fields. The laws of classical theory of electricity covers a huge collection of electromagnetic processes. Equations formulated by James Clerk Maxwell, based on accumulated by the middle of the XIX century experimental results have played a key role in the development of concepts of theoretical physics. Invaluable contribution to the foundation of electrical phenomena was made by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, who in 1892 led the force which in the framework of classical physics the electromagnetic field acts on a point charge. Macroscopic manifestation of the Lorentz force is the Ampere force. However, these findings do not provide a complete understanding of the motion of charged particles through a cross section of the conductor. Charged particles moving in different environments with different speeds, where necessary to understand the mechanism of their formation and distinction. For example, one Ampere force can not be explained as an incandescent lamp of 60 W at a voltage of 12 V Current consumption 5 A. At the same time the power plant at a voltage of 380 V also consumes a current of 5 A, but its power already is 1900 watts. Physicists sometimes difficult to explain the value of the current, especially when it is expressed in coulombs.
Complete list of scientific publications.

List of the most current scientific discoveries.

Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
значок the law for determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of some type of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... The new law completely refutes the statement about the conservation of energy in the space of our Universe.
значок the law for determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, displaying the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light emission source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light emission source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the statement about the constancy of the speed of light in the space of our Universe.
Discovery of new constants:
Discovery of new physical quantities:
Refutation of old laws of physics:
Discovery of new physical phenomena of the material world:
Outer space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system, which in the process of its work creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its own composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our Universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space closely interact with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. After the discovery of the constant inverse speed of light, the constant of the substance of outer space, the constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space, a new physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space and a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the Solar System, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe along the elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the emergence of forces that rotate the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit occurs in cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body located in the space of the solar system changes in relation to another material body, not only the gravitational force of this material body will change, but also its energy. New constants, new physical quantities and new laws give us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit.
New laws of gravitational gravitation:
The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit:
Comments on the scientific discoveries of Belashov:
See the description of the new laws of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our Universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005140396 of December 26, 2005.